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  • Writer's pictureRaphaëlla Vaillancourt

Through the Hinterland, Lost

Updated: Oct 20, 2021

So here's an unfunny story.

A few weeks ago, I lost my blog. My since-2015-posted-once-a-week-writer's-portfolio. That one.

And for a little bit, it didn't register. I sat there in front of the error: blog not found page and thought, it's fine, there must be a way to retrieve all of this. It's the internet after all, no? No. Internet or not, Google or other, when something is hijacked and then deleted, it is all the way gone.

For many years now, that platform had been not only an expression of myself, what I've gone through and what I can do, but therapy. To say that I had an emotional attachment to it would be an understatement. It was my way of processing, and sharing, and finding out what the heck it was I wanted to do with my life. And it turned into a portfolio, a manifesto, a little tidbit of myself out in the ether.

But everything happens for a reason, right?

At first, I was shell-shocked at losing all my words all at once, without notice. 'But did you have a backup?' For the first few months I would save everything in a Word folder on my computer. But at some point I guess I stopped. And also must have thought, it's the internet, what's the worst that could happen? Cue the universe showing me its dark, dark sense of humour.

So here we are, 7 whole years after I decided I would start that itty bitty project I decided to call 'Through the Hinterland', because that is exactly how I felt at the time. A little lost, a little trying to find my way, a lot wondering if I'd ever make it out of that hinterland.

Somehow, I feel like I did. It took everything disappearing for me to realize that maybe it was just time I close that chapter. So here's a new little something all of my own. Here's to being inspired, saving a copy of your s&%* as you go along, and the start of new things.

Peek the new website for phase 2.0.

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