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  • Writer's pictureRaphaëlla Vaillancourt

Looking forward to 2023

2022 was about setting new foundations. Re-regulating my body, after having been dysregulated for, well, since I can remember. Learning about what 'normal' means for me and my mind.

2022 was about shedding baggage and not changing my mind to go back and get it after a while.

2022 was about finding peace, and warmth, and discovering just how strongly I can love, if I let myself learn properly.

2022 was about cleaning the slate and taking the time (all the time in the world, if need be) for every step of the way. It was boundaries, and trust, and moving past guilt.

2021 was something. 2021 meant falling, and catching myself at the very last second. 2022 was my saving grace. It was recuperating, healing, and working on myself every day. It was about strengthening the bonds with those I love. It was about finding the spaces where I can be myself, all of it, and spending more time there.

2022 was about acceptance. It was about anticipation for the future, and setting the stage for the so many beautiful things that are to come.

2023 will be about building on those foundations.

Growing, evolving, and witnessing others around me do that sameand it will be marvelous. 2023 is the continuation of a beautiful life, Kintsugi of my own making. I have found all my pieces, and I've stuck them all back together. Some I've had with me my whole life, others I found along the way and decided, That will be a part of me too.

I am whole, and I am happy. I know that there will always be storms ahead, those are inevitable, but at least my sails are no longer tattered and there are no holes in my hull. My crew is set to work with me, not against me, and we will brave whatever comes our way.

I've learned to swim like I never thought was possible. And the most magical part of it all? I no longer swim alone.

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