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  • Writer's pictureRaphaëlla Vaillancourt

2021 Wrap-up

The year 2021 has been the year of unlearning. The year of breaking through. The year of falling forward. It has been another year of missed relatives, and lost time, and closed doors reopening and then closing again. The year 2021 has been more than I ever could have expected. In good ways, but also in the most challenging ways.

This year, I took leaps and bounds in some areas and regressed in others. I forgot myself a lot, devoting myself to others and to the world. I also learned a lot about myself. I saw an acupuncturist, a naturopath, a psychologist, and even attended a masterclass on meditation. To say I was trying would be understatement. I gave it all I got, and then some.

I ended the year 2020 in the midst of a deep, dark depression and entered 2021 already bone-tired. 2021 has been a year of fighting—against the current and against myself. Fighting to get up in the morning and get things done. Fighting to stay sane amidst the chaos of the pandemic. Fighting against old trauma and triggers I was discovering along the way.

But I am ending 2021 lighter than I have felt in a year, or more.

After all the digging, and learning, and unlearning, and breaking of cycles, and forcing myself into my boots and out the door, and the loss of creativity, and the finding creativity again, and the tears, and the sweat, and the breakthroughs—after all that, I woke up one morning a few days ago, clear-headed.

And I knew I had made it up the wall and was starting to climb down the other side.

2021 felt like a curse while I was in it, but now that I can look back on it, it was really a blessing all along. 2021 has taught me that things will always keep coming at you. Always. All the time, every day, every year, until we die. And I've made peace with that. So instead of getting angry or hurt at all the hurdles I'm running over, I'm focusing on the fact that no matter how high they get, I just keep jumping clear anyway. And that. is. enough.

In 2022, the soulwork will continue. At the end of every month, I will posting here as part of the #AccountabilityProject. If any of you followed my former platform, then you know how this goes. For those of you who are new here, then tune in January 31st.

Stay safe and keep your head up. All the very best for 2022.

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